Summer Youth Mission Trips and Discussing French American Relations on Bastille Day
Monsignor Kevin Sullivan talks about youth camps that also have a mission element to them and for Bastille Day we look at French and American relations.
Kelly Naas is the Manager of Public Relations and Summer Director for Catholic Heart Workcamps, a week-long service camp experience that provides youth groups, teens and adult leaders with service opportunities to restore homes and hearts, to feed the hungry and lift the spirits of children, the elderly and disable through partnerships with domestic and international social service providers. Kelly talks to Monsignor about the experiences of Catholic Heart Workcamp Campers and how – through service experiences and the Sacraments – they are making the Gospel present through service to those in need.
Uzra Zeya is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Alliance for Peacebuilding in Washington, D.C., and is the former Deputy Chief of Mission at the United States Embassy in Paris, France. During Bastille Day on Sunday, July 14th, Uzra shares with us the intertwined nature of the history of the United States and France and that relationship’s continuing significance in the present day.
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