Holy Thursday: What It Means Today
Lent is over and now we begin to celebrate these three most sacred days that commemorate the center of our Christian faith. Paying homage to our Jewish roots, we begin after sunset “on the night before he died,” and keep a modified vigil. Tomorrow, we will lift high the cross. On Saturday & Sunday, we will light the Easter flame, discover anew the empty tomb, and proclaim for ourselves and for the world that he is not among the dead, but here, with the living. For this reason, it is important that we not get distracted today by some of Holy Thursday’s evocative traditions. Some still dwell on the ordained…
Stay the Course Through Holy Week
Tip of the Day: Recommit to making the time to celebrate the great feasts of the Lord’s Supper (Holy Thursday), Passion (Good Friday) & Resurrection (Easter). Verse of the Day: Bible Readings for Tuesday of Holy Week Reflection of the Day: A wise colleague often says, “When climbing the mountain, it’s good to look back periodically and see how far we have come.” Today is the symbolic 39th day of Lent. We’ve come a long way. Only one more day remains of our Lenten discipline before we enter into the great celebrations of our Christian faith.