
Coaching Excellence and Peace Pilgrimages: Reflecting on Athletic Support and Commemorating History

On this week’s episode of JustLove, Monsignor Kevin Sullivan is joined by Prof. Timothy Baghurst, a Full Professor at Florida State University and Director of the FSU COACH: Interdisciplinary Center for Athletic Coaching. Together, they explore the significant impact of good and supportive coaching on the performance of athletes, spanning from the Olympics to college sports and local youth teams. Additionally, the episode commemorates the 79th Anniversary of the Dropping of the Atomic Bomb on the Japanese Cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th and 9th. George B. Horton, Former Director of Catholic Charities Department of Social and Community Development, shares his experience accompanying Members of Pax Christi USA on a Peace Pilgrimage to those cities in March.

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