Reflections on Service and Legacy
In this special episode of JustLove, airing over Veteran’s Day Weekend, Monsignor Kevin Sullivan speaks with Major General John F. Hussey, retired Commanding General of the 200th Military Police Command. They discuss his experiences deploying overseas, as detailed in his newly published book, Inside the Wire: Guarding America’s Enemy Prisoners in the Global War on Terror from Abu Ghraib to Guantanamo Bay. General Hussey shares the lessons learned and the human aspects of deployment, as well as the impact on the families of those serving. Additionally, Monsignor Sullivan engages in a conversation with Professor Michael E. Lee, Director of the Francis & Ann Curran Center for American Studies at Fordham University, reflecting on the life and legacy of Father Gustavo Gutierrez, O.P., the influential author of A Theology of Liberation, who passed away at the age of 96 on October 22nd.