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    Don’t Focus on Mistakes

    Reflection: God has an easier time forgiving us than we have forgiving one another, and even forgiving ourselves.  Many times it’s difficult to simply stop doing something wrong, without substituting something positive.  Focusing on a different and better future is more effective than simply lamenting or obsessing over the mistakes (sins) of the past.  Spending some time reflecting on the past to learn and accept responsibility is far different than obsessing and being paralyzed from past missteps.     Tip: If you have a hard time doing something good for someone whom you do not like, instead find someone you do like and do something extra nice.  Remember the father…

  • JustLove

    Join Your Trial with Jesus

    It was perfect in the Garden of Eden – not so much since then. If you want to blame it on Adam & Eve and the apple, fine with me. In any case we live in a world that is not perfect and very unfair at times. It’s more unfair to some than others, but we all experience times when we are confronted with injustices, small or big, not of our own faults. We need to react to them in a way that remains faithful to the values that guide us disciples of Jesus. Another’s unfairness to us does not give us liberty to be unfair to others. Let’s be…

  • JustLove

    Be Your Brother or Your Sister’s Keeper

    Reflection of the Day:   Sometimes God lets his anger out and let us know he’s fed up with us his commands. And if we examine ourselves we know it’s true. And sometimes we concentrate so hard on avoiding what God tells us not to do, we forget that he bulk of his commands have to do with treating each other well, especially when someone is in need (e.g. the Good Samaritan). God’s merciful, but he’s still annoyed when we do not love each other and help each other out – even when it’s inconvenient and means some sacrifice.   Tip:          Help somebody whose need I have been ignoring and…

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    Stop Worrying and Just Thank God

      Reflection of the Day: Periodically it’s worth taking time off from complaining about trials and tribulations, worrying about problems and asking for what we need things. God gets tired and so do we. Both God and us need a break. Now mind you complaining, worrying and asking are legit – and we better do them a lot, but not incessantly. Reflect on one or two good things that have happened to you recently – even if you are generally going through a bad time. Say a simple thank-you God and praise his name. It will make you feel better.     Tip:           Listen to Hallelujah   Click here for…

  • JustLove

    Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

    We religious types, many times, make religion too complicated. It’s good that God bursts through and calls us back to basics: Love God a whole lot and love each other as we want to be loved. Sometimes, I don’t exactly what it means to love God. I’m not sure if I should buy Jesus a birthday present on Christmas. Should I send God a Valentine Day’s card? So I’m still figuring that out. I do know what it means to love others, so I’ll concentrate on that. Because even though I know what it means – most of the time, it still isn’t easy and I don’t always get it…