Faith, Dignity and Solidarity: Values at the Heart of Catholic Charities
At the 68th Annual Cardinal Christmas Luncheon that Catholic Charities and Our Ladies of Charity hosted this week, I had the opportunity to reflect on how this event that helps support the services we provide to those in need represents values that are at the heart of Catholic Charities. They include the Christian faith that motivates our work, the dignity of each individual regardless of religion and the solidarity that bridges differences for the sake of doing good.” Let me say a few words about each: Our Catholic Christian Faith: Unabashedly and explicitly we name this a Christmas luncheon celebrating the coming birth of our savior, Jesus Christ, We…
Rome Mission with UJA FED of NY: Papal Audience
The President of the UJA FED of NY, Alisa Doctoroff, along with 20 leaders of the federation participated in Wednesday’s Papal Audience as special guests of the Vatican’s Secretary of State. Alisa Doctoroff spoke to Pope Francis of the strong collaboration with Catholic Charities in New York on behalf of the poor – a central concern of both the Jewish and Catholic communities. Pope Francis spoke of the lasting importance of charity in his remarks to the audience in St. Peter’s Square. Pope Francis spent considerable time walking among those gathered – especially those in wheelchairs and their families. The amount of time he spent personally greeting individuals attending the…