Tune in to JustLove This Week to Hear the Discussion on Today’s Income Inequality Crisis
On this week’s show Monsignor Sullivan speaks with Sheldon Danziger, President of the Russell Sage Foundation about the 50th Anniversary of the War on Poverty to discuss what has worked and what can be improved upon in America today. Also on the show is John Allen of the National Catholic Reporter to talk about Pope Francis and what his comments on inequality and poverty means for Catholics.
Rome Mission with UJA-FED of NY
I was honored to spend Tuesday afternoon learning about the oldest Jewish community outside of Israel – the Roman Jewish community. As I walked through the Jewish Ghetto with the leadership of the UJA-FED of NY, I experienced both sadness and hope. Sadness of the tragic and sinful history of anti-semitism in which Catholics, shamefully, have played a significant part. Hope that as we come to recognize this past, we have set a new course for the future and continue to walk that course together. Over the next few days I will share more of this very important mission to Rome with, as Pope John Paul II, our elder brothers…