- JustLove, Strengthening Families and Resolving Crises, Welcoming and Integrating Immigrants and Refugees
The History of Flags & Wage Theft Recovery Win for Day Laborers
On this week’s episode of Just Love, Monsignor Kevin Sullivan talks about Flag Day and the ongoing wage theft of day laborers. Tim Marshall is a British journalist, broadcaster and author of the 2017 book “A Flag Worth Dying For: The Power and Politics of National Symbols.” To highlight “Flag Day,” Tim Marshall talks about the history of flags themselves, the meaning and symbolism behind them, and how they have been used throughout history to unite and separate people. Esmeralda Hoscoy is the Regional Director for Catholic Charities Community Services Regional Office in Younkers, New York where – among other programs – she oversees Catholic Charities Obresros Unidos Program. Esmeralda…
Flag Day, 2016 Musings of a
Political Neo-CynicSummertime and the Politics is Easy: Ignore Everything & Tune Out Until After Labor Day So Flag Day, 2016… We have the Presidential nominees – the most disliked ever! We do not yet have the VP candidates, but who cares. I know, one heartbeat away…, but I repeat: who cares? We’ll deal with that sad contingency if we have to. One prediction about the VP choices: Each presidential candidate will declare his or her pick the most qualified. The pundits will chatter about which demographics they attract and thus which states they’ll help to carry. Wanna bet otherwise? We will have the conventions – great for the local economies – Yeah…