The Lord’s Prayer: Twelve Tips for The Lord’s Prayer, Phrase-by-Phrase – “Forgive Us Our Trespasses, As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us”
8. Forgive Us Our Trespasses, As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us I like the word “trespass:” – a neat grown-up word for mess-ups – But better, it’s so non-threatening! Like a kid crossing a neighbor’s property to chase a ball Other words scare me: evil, sin, meanness, selfishness, damage. God, as long as we keep this between us, I’ll cop to some to doing of those bad things So, I’ll take the deal. It seems fair. Forgive my mess-ups and I’ll forgive those who have messed me up. But I’m gonna need your help to close my side of the deal. By the way, one final thing,…
The Lord’s Prayer: Twelve Tips for The Lord’s Prayer, Phrase-by-Phrase – “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread”
7. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Today’s prayer for today’s needs!! Jesus taught “the power of now” – well before contemporary gurus. No accruals from yesterday. No deferrals for tomorrow. Pretty sly of you, God! You know how to keep your power base. Tomorrow I’ll have to ask you again. But you know my A.D.D. distractions, my impatience when you don’t answer right away and my insecurity that you might not be there tomorrow… So, I have an idea. Why can’t I make one big prayer payment for the month – like I pay my bills? Umm – I don’t see you nodding, yes. Well, then please…
The Lord’s Prayer: Twelve Tips for The Lord’s Prayer, Phrase-by-Phrase – “Hallowed Be Thy Name”
3. Hallowed Be Thy Name Your name and your very being: Hallowed, holy, whole, awesome – My name and my very being – not so much: Hollow, profane, fractured, trembling – But wait!! In the garden, didn’t you make me in your likeness? Re-seed and drench me Fill my holes and unbend my fractures Tame my trembling Holy, Holy, Holy…
The Lord’s Prayer: Twelve Tips for The Lord’s Prayer, Phrase-by-Phrase – “Who Art in Heaven”
2. Who Art in Heaven Sometimes you are distant and I am mad and frustrated. Sometimes you are distant and I’m glad Sometimes it’s just right — When we talk there I hear whispers of heaven’s peace and happiness And that’s nice!
The Lord’s Prayer: Twelve Tips for The Lord’s Prayer, Phrase-by-Phrase -“Our Father”
1. Our Father Think of the good that human fathers do – and then multiply that for our heavenly Father Think of the bad that human fathers do – think of the opposite; that’s what our heavenly Father does. God ‘s got no human gender or and maybe both… So think of the good that human mothers do – and then multiply that for our heavenly Mother Think of the bad that human mothers do – think of the opposite; that’s what our heavenly Mother does.