- Commentary, Feeding the Hungry and Sheltering the Homeless, Protecting & Nurturing Children & Youth, Strengthening Families and Resolving Crises, Welcoming and Integrating Immigrants and Refugees
Affordable Housing Needs the Catholic Community’s Continuing Partnership
The topic of housing was covered extensively in the media this past week. The focus has been the announcement of New York City’s plan to build or preserve 200,000 units of affordable housing. For those who work with low-income individuals and families, there is perhaps no more pressing need. Families have the most difficult time finding decent housing they can afford. Too many families are forced to make choices among essentials – food, rent, or medicine. It was also good that the work of the Catholic Church over the past four decades in building and constructing affordable housing was recognized. Of the many positive things the Church has done to help…
Homily on Frances Xavier Cabrini
Over the past year, our country has debated how we should treat foreigners and immigrants. How do we treat those who come here with the right immigration papers? How do we treat those who are here without the right papers- estimated now at 12 million individuals living and working in the United States? This debate reminds me of the biblical story of Jesus and the lepers. In this story, ten men suffering from leprosy, the most dreaded disease during biblical times, approached our Lord, calling out “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” Jesus cured them all yet only one special person, a Samaritan – a foreigner — returned to thank…