The Lord’s Prayer: Twelve Tips for The Lord’s Prayer, Phrase-by-Phrase – “Lead Us Not Into Temptation”
9. Lead Us Not Into Temptation Really!! You’re such a Debbie Downer. Temptations can be exciting. Sometimes it’s fun to play with fire. Do you want me to be boring? Didn’t Jesus hang out with sinners? By now you’re reckoned I’m more arguing than praying this one. You put me in the world and you told to light up its darkness and shadows. But isn’t that where temptations lurk? I think I get it. I’m weak and can’t resist some bad things. So it’s better to not to be led there. But I’m pretty sure it’s not so simple or Maybe, I just disagree. Do you really only want me to…
Ash Wednesday – 2014: Time for a 3D Spiritual Selfie: “Purging, Pondering & Paying it Forward”
Lent: 40 days to take a 3D spiritual selfie Why “3D?” Because that’s who we are: we’re not hermits living in isolation. We live in the world with others and we are made in the image and likeness of God. A good spiritual selfie can’t crop out the other people or God!! How do we do it? 3 ways: Purging – kinda like fasting Pondering – kinda like prayer Paying it forward – kinda like charity Purging/Fasting gets us to focus on our own needs and wants. It enables us to realize what is necessary and what we have come to depend on – even if not so necessary. …