
Sing Out God’s Goodness

Tip of the Day:          

Listen to a different take on the power of Jesus love and presence in the midst of adversity.

Verse of the Day:

Bible Readings for Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent


Reflection of the Day:

Sometimes human analogies are helpful in thinking about our relationship with God.  I recently heard someone say the most important thing she valued in a relationship was time spent with the other person.  Put negatively, she was not interested in having a relationship with someone unwilling to spend time with her.  Gifts, money, pedigree, etc. all came in a distant second to “spending time.”  God has so much to offer, but it’s hard to take it in if we don’t hang out with God and allowing his presence to be with us.  As with human friends we don’t always have to have a plan, a topic or an agenda.  Sometimes we should just “hang out with God” and let it be.


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