Conversation Starters For a President Abroad
President Trump’s first foreign trip at the end of May was announced just after he signed the Religious freedom executive order. Ironically, three places he will visit – Saudi Arabia, Israel and Rome – are major hubs for the three great religions: Islam, Judaism and Christianity.
Saudi Arabia, according to official statistics, is close to 100% Muslim, predominantly Sunni. Israel was established as a Jewish state this week in 1948.
Rome has been a center of Christianity since Peter and Paul journeyed there in the first century and, subsequently, the Bishop of Rome was designated the Pope.
As Citizen Sullivan, I suggest one topic for President Trump to raise in his conversation with each foreign leader. Keeping with his preferred modality of policy communication, the President should update us by tweeting out the leaders’ responses.
In Saudi Arabia, he should ask about religious freedom for non-Muslims. Maybe a simple question could be: Where can I go for Sunday Christian services?
In Israel, he should ask about refugees in the Palestinian camps. He might ask to visit one.
At the Vatican, he might want to, face to face, tell the Pope how great it will be when the new Mexican-paid-for-wall is built and how the Pope is wrong on immigration and refugee matters.
I await the tweets.