Training Today’s Workers & Students for the Jobs of Tomorrow

On this week’s broadcast JustLove, Monsignor Kevin Sullivan will be speaking with two guests on training today’s workers and students for the jobs of tomorrow.
On the phone Charles Russell “Rusty” Justice Co-Founder and Managing Member of Bit Source LLC will be joining the show Bit Source LLC is a Pikeville, Kentucky based web development company located in the heart of Appalachia. Msgr. Sullivan and Rusty will be talking about his founding of “Bit Source” and how his company endeavors to tap the region’s workforce of laid off coal miners to teach them a new skill of computer coding.
Justin Reich, Executive Director of Teaching Lab Systems at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will be speaking with Monsignor about training young people to fill the jobs of the future – a field that will require we teach more creative, problem solving and communications skills in addition to the traditional skills of numeracy and language
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