Stories of Adversity and Inspiration
Patrick Walsh, Executive Producer of the new BS sitcom: “Living Biblically” which looks at the life of the character “Chip Curry” – a modern man at the crossroads of his life who decides to live in strict accordance with the Bible with the help of his wife, friends, his parish priest and a Rabbi friend, talks to Msgr. Kevin Sullivan about how he hopes that the show “Living Biblically” will help bring Biblical religion to prime-time television while welcoming non-believers to watch as well.
Alexa Hui and Logan Tingley, students at St. Thomas Aquinas High School down in Fort Lauderdale Florida, talk with Msgr. Sullivan about the tragic events that took place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida back on February 14th when 14 students and 3 school staff members lost their lives in the shooting that took place there. Alexa – who is a Senior and Student Body President at St. Thomas Aquinas – and Logan – who is a Sophomore and knew 3 of the victims that lost their lives personally – will be talking about the new student activism around stopping gun violence that has grown out of the tragedy there.
Deanna J. James, Executive Director of the St. Croix Foundation for Community Development in the U.S. Virgin Islands, talks to Msgr. Sullivan – who himself visited St. Croix – about his visit to the Virgin Islands, and how the St. Croix Foundation is helping individuals on that island recover from the devastating effects of Hurricane Maria that hit the Island back in September of 2017.
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