Puzzles for Autism and Earth Day Activism
On today’s episode of JustLove, we are joined by Brian Licata of Marvel Consults who discusses his work on a recent event that broke a Guinness World Record! He is one of the coordinators of the recent Puzzle for Autism Guinesss Book of World REcords Staten Island Ferryhawks Event, to raise awareness of the condition during Autism Acceptance Month this April. We also talk with Dr. Erin Lothes, Ph.D., who is the Senior Manager of the Laudato Si Animators Program. She works for the Laudato Si Movement to do training courses for Catholic leaders all over the world on various aspects of integral ecology.
Brian Licata is the owner of Marvel Consults, which is a Business and Non-Profit consultant firm.
Dr. Erin Lothes, Ph.D., is a theologian at Saint Elizabeth University and is currently senior manager of the Laudato Si Animators Program.
Listen now.