The Impact of Hurricane Florence and Sharing the “Good News” Stories of the Work of CREATE, Inc.
On this week’s JustLove episode, Monsignor Kevin Sullivan talks about how Catholic Charities in Charleston, South Carolina has been helping the victims of Hurricane Florence and the work of CREATE, Inc. with young men in New York City. Kelly Kaminski, LMSW is the Director of Disaster Services, of Catholic Charities of Charleston, South Carolina. Kelly, who also serves as the Regional Coordinator for Catholic Charities of South Carolina in the Pee Dee Region in the Northeastern corner of the State, updates Msgr. Sullivan and our listeners about the impact that Hurricane Florence and the flooding that its rain has caused has had on her state over the past 10 days,…
Mental Health Awareness & The Royal Wedding
On this episode of JustLove, Monsignor Kevin Sullivan will be speaking with two guests covering the Royal Wedding and Mental Illness. Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, M.D. – who is Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California Irvine (UCI) School of Medicine and Director of the Medical Ethics Program at UCI Health will be calling into the studio. Msgr. Sullivan and Dr. Kheriaty will be discussing the California State Catholic Bishops’ recently released (May 1st) pastoral letter “Hope and Healing” on caring for those suffering from mental illness, which Dr. Kheriaty himself consulted with the California Bishops. Marion Boteju who is Corporate Secretary and Chief of Staff at Catholic Charities o the Archdiocese of New…
“I Don’t Get It.” A Different Take on Aftermath of Philip Seymour Hoffman Death
Famous actor Phillip Seymour Hoffman dies of overdose: large scale publicity and police hunt to find drug seller. What about the thousands of unnamed youth in the communities and neighborhoods of NYC and across the nation who suffer similar tragic fates? Where’s the interest, concern and caring? I don’t get it. Are not these youth and their families and friends also made in the image and likeness of God?