
Hail Maria, Marie, Miriam and Mara


Want a great way to mark the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and kick off the holiday season? 

 Check out Msgr. Kevin Sullivan’s invocation at the annual Cardinal’s Christmas Luncheon held at the Waldorf=Astoria on December 8, 2014.  Now in its 69th year, this traditional holiday event raises funds in support of the Catholic Charities’ programs that help thousands of needy women and children of all religions throughout the 10 counties of the Archdiocese.


Hail Mary, full of Grace

Hail Maria, Marie, Miriam and Mara

Hail all Mary’s, and all mothers be hailed and may they be filled with grace.

The Lord is with thee

May the Lord be with all of you here – in particular our honorees, Anna Laffonte and Joyce and Robert Giuffra and their generous family, friends and colleagues; and all our wonderful and generous guests, our Catholic Charities trustees and the executives from our Catholic Charities agencies.

Blessed are thou amongst women

May all women be blessed – especially when threatened,  suffering and vulnerable;

For these are times when God’s blessings are most needed and welcomed!

 And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus

May we rejoice as we celebrate once again the blessed birth of your Son in Bethlehem.

But also may the fruit of every Mother’s womb be blessed – not only at birth, but throughout that child’s life.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, now

Yes, Mary we do sin, so pray for us now, these days.

Especially now, these days, pray for us when our sins are those of intolerance, divisiveness and yes, sadly at times, even hate.  For they allow us too easily to be blind to your presence in others of different races, classes or nationalities.

May our eyes, our spirits and our hearts be opened so that we may see the image of Mary’s son and his father in every person.

And at the Hour of our Death

Not just yet and not too soon – but when that day does comes may the gates of your son’s kingdom be opened wide.  May we be brought to that place of peace and justice where every tear is wiped away.

Bless us O Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive from thy bounty – through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Check out the Cardinal’s Christmas Luncheon slideshow on Facebook.

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