Thank God for the Kind People
Tip of the Day:
Today, try two quirky random acts of kindness – one in the morning and one in the evening.
Verse of the Day:
Bible Readings for Saturday of Fifth Week of Lent
Reflection of the Day:
I can figure out two reasons why Jesus annoyed the people of his time. The first is the traditional understanding. The political and religious leadership thought he was getting too popular and might usurp their respective spheres of power and authority. That’s understandable, even if not noble. But the other reason you and I can relate to. Sometimes individual who are kind, humble, giving and content can make us jealous, frustrated, and even angry? So maybe that’s why some others didn’t follow Jesus. Well, maybe in our time we should think about those kind and loving people as God’s gift to the world and to ourselves. We might learn from and imitate their example.