Why Do We Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
Reflection of the Day:
St. Patrick’s Day is a big deal in New York, Boston, Chicago and Savannah (Go figure that one out!). Did you know that the first Irish Associations in the Unites States founded in Boston and New York had among their original missions: “to help the needy?” Throughout the past century and to this day most major charitable events – Non-Catholic and Catholic alike – count Irish-Americans among the list of major donors. This year, I was honored by Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. at his annual Irish Heritage and Culture celebration. It was great to be part of the celebration.
The story of charity in New York can only be accurately told by paying tribute to the work of women religious, many of whom were the daughters of Irish immigrants. None of this can be accomplished without the discipline of self-sacrifice for the sake of helping others, either through direct personal service or through generous philanthropy.
Much celebrating for many today. Do ONE less “celebratory act” to remind ourselves of the sacrifice Jesus made for us on Good Friday.
Click here for today’s reading.
Jeremiah 11:18
I knew their plot because the LORD informed me;
at that time you, O LORD, showed me their doings.