Helping Homeless LGBTQ Youth and the Important Right to Religious Freedom
On this week’s episode of Just Love, Monsignor Kevin Sullivan talks about the LGBTQ youth who are homeless in New York and the right to religious freedom around the world.
Sr. Nancy Downing, CND, Esq. is the Executive Director of Covenant House New York, a lawyer, and a Religious Sister in the Congregation of Notre Dame. During this week that many events across the globe will recognize the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising that began the modern LGBTQ Movement, Sr. Nancy talks about the programs, services, and assistance that Covenant House New York offers LGBTQ young people, who have a 120% higher risk of becoming homeless than their non-LGBTQ peers.
Commissioner Kristina Arriaga is a Commissioner for the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. Because we’re celebrating our independence soon, Commissioner Arriaga shares a bit about her work at the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom and what she, other Commissioners and the Commission itself are doing to support “the First Freedom” – Religious Freedom – as well as those who suffer religious persecution across the globe.
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