World Day of the Poor and Veteran’s Day
On this week’s show of Just Love, Monsignor Kevin Sullivan talks about the World Day of the Poor and Veteran’s Day.
Sean Callahan is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Catholic Relief Services – the International Relief Agency of the United States Catholic Church. During this weekend when we commemorate the Fourth Annual “World Day of the Poor” on November 15th, Sean Callahan shares with us about the work of Catholic Relief Services, and the impact that it has had on the lives of the world’s poorest people.
Joseph C. Sharpe Jr. is the Director of the National Veterans Education and Employment Division of the American Legion. During this week when we remember the service to our country of men and women in uniform on Veterans Day, Joseph, who is an Army veteran and served as a Sergeant First Class with the Army Reserve in both Bosnia-Herzegovina and Iraq, shares with us what The American Legion is doing to address the situation of homeless veterans.
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