COVID-19 through the Lense of Easter; and the Work of Abraham House
On this Easter weekend when Christians around the world celebrate Jesus’s Resurrection, JustLove looks at the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic through the Lens of Easter; and we have a discussion on the restorative work of Abraham House, where the incarcerated, ex-offenders and their relatives find a place of hope and community in the South Bronx.
Rev. Al B. Fuertes, Ph.D. is a Covenant Minister at Wellspring United Church of Christ in Centerville, Virginia, as well as an Associate Professor at the School of Integrative Studies at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. On this Easter weekend, Dr. Fuertes shares with us some reflections on what this Easter brings to mind after one year of living through the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
Althea Brooks is the Executive Director of Abraham House, a grassroots organization in the Mott Haven area of the South Bronx that offers holistic programs and services for those involved in the criminal justice system. Althea Brooks shares with us a bit about the restorative work of Abraham House where the incarcerated, ex-offenders and their relatives find a place of hope and community.
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