Anticipating Easter Weekend with a Catechumen and Preparing for Tax Day by Discussing Saint Katherine Drexel
On Today’s recording of JustLove, we are getting ready for Easter’s theme of transformation by talking with Christopher Flores, a Catechumen taking the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) classes at St. Brigid-St. Emeric Parish and who will be receiving sacraments over the holiday weekend. We will then follow that up with a conversation with Philip Brach, Vice President for College Relations at Belmont Abbey College, about the little-known fact of how an American Saint, St. Katherine Drexel, influenced the U.S. Tax Code by changing philanthropy in the process.
Christopher Flores is taking RCIA classes at the St. Brigid-St. Emeric Parish on Avenue B in the East Village neighborhood of Manhattan, and will be receiving the sacraments this Easter. He will be sharing his experience and his journey towards officially becoming a Catholic.
Philip Brach will join us to discuss St. Katherine Drexel, who helped change the U.S. Tax Code and philanthropy, and who might give us a little more context to the paperwork at the center of the mundane task of filing taxes.
Listen now.