Big Trouble in a Shrinking China? And an Update on the Cause of the Canonization of Dorothy Day
For today’s episode of JustLove, we are joined by Prof. Xiaolin Shi, Ph.D., Assistant Teaching Professor at Northeastern University. Dr. Shi is a professor of Labor, Demographics, and Economics and discusses with us the shrinking population of China, its causes, and its social and economic ramifications. We are also joined by Prof. Kevin Ahern, Ph.D., Co-Chair of the Dorothy Day Guild and Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Manhattan College. He now serves as the Director of the Dorothy Day Center at the college and provides some insight into the recent developments in the cause for her canonization.
Dr. Xiaolin Shi is a Professor of Labor, Demographics, and Economics at Northeastern University.
Dr. Kevin Ahern is Co-Chair of the Dorothy Day Guild, Director of the Dorothy Day Center at Manhattan College, and an Associate Professor of Religious Studies.
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