
Reflections of the Canonization of Cardinal John Henry Newman and Preparing for the Christmas Season with Cross Catholic Outreach’s “Box of Joy” Ministry

On this week’s episode of Just Love, Monsignor talks about the Canonization of now Saint John Henry Newman and “Box of Joy” Ministry.

Marion Boteju is the Corporate Secretary and Chief of Staff of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York. Marion was in Rome this past weekend attending the Canonization Mass for the 19th Century British Cardinal John Henry Newman. She talks to us about Cardinal Newman as well as why now Saint Cardinal Newman is a particularly relevant saint for our current modern age.

Jim Cavnar is the President and Co-Founder of Cross Catholic Outreach Inc., a Florida-based Catholic non-profit relief and development organization founded in 2001 that has given over $1 Billion in aid to partnering Church ministries serving the poor in over 3 dozen developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Jim talks about the work of Cross Catholic Outreach and particularly their “Box of Joy” Ministry that allows participant donors to support Cross Catholic Outreach’s emergency poverty and disaster relief in communities in the developing world, and also gift a “Box of Joy” that contains small, age and gender appropriate toys, school supplies and toiletries for to children who may have never received a gift before as an act of solidarity, generosity and hope.

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