April Fool’s Day Easter Sunday
“We are fools for Christ”
1 Corinthians 4:10
Easter Eggs and Easter Jesus
Compare and Contrast in Eleven Parts: You Choose
- Rolling
Fathers help their children roll Easter eggs along the ground;
- The Father of Jesus rolled away the stone and raised his dead son from the ground of the tomb.
- Colors
Easter eggs come in many colors;
- Easter Jesus comes and saves people of all colors!
- Hard-boiled
Easter eggs are hardboiled;
- When life around us is hardboiled the love of Easter Jesus can be soft and cuddly.
- Shells
Easter egg shells crack and then we throw them away as imperfect and not pretty enough;
- Easter Jesus embraces our cracks and considers everybody pretty enough to be loved and share in his new risen life.
- Food
Easter eggs get mixed and mashed into egg salad for a nourishing mid-day meal;
- Easter Jesus nourishes us in the transformation of bread and wine in the meal of the Eucharist.
- Seeing the Obvious
Easter eggs are sometimes in plain sight with only a little camouflage.
- Easter Jesus is sometimes right in front of us; we just need to pause and open our eyes;
- The Hunt for the Hidden:
Easter eggs sometimes are hidden and we have to hunt hard to find them.
- Easter Jesus sometimes is hidden in out of the way places and strange people; we have to look hard to find him – but it’s worth the hunt!
- Taste
This is personal: I don’t like hardboiled eggs.
- I do like Jesus!
- Like a Lump
Easter eggs just lay there; don’t do anything, unless we do something to and with them.- Easter Jesus, risen from the dead, doesn’t wait for us. He searches us out – even when we just lay there and don’t do much.
- Shape
Easter eggs are pretty much all the same shape.
- Easter Jesus comes to us with love and new life customized for our own individual shapes and sizes.
- Real
Easter eggs sometimes show up as imposters in tacky plastic – ich!- Easter Jesus is never tacky or plastic. He’s the real thing, every day, until forever. Alleluia!