JustLove New Year’s Show on Music’s Power to Unite and Pope Francis’s 2019 World Day of Peace Message
On this week’s episode of Just Love, Monsignor Kevin Sullivan talks to Kathy Mattea about her music and Dr. Laurie Nathan about Pope Francis’ World Day of Peace message.
Kathy Mattea is an American Country Music Singer, Song-writer and Performer and released her 18th Album titled “Pretty Bird” in September 2018. Kathy talks to Monsignor about the journey she has taken during her singing career where – after discovering that her classically trained voice had changed after almost 30 years in the music business – she had to unlearn and then relearn how to sing over a three year period. She terms the “sacred” power of song to “bring people together” during divided times.
Dr. Laurie Nathan, Ph.D. is the Mediation Program Director and Professor of the Practice of Mediation for the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame. Dr. Nathan talks to Msgr. Sullivan about some practical advice from his years of experience in mediating conflicts for the United Nations and across Africa on how we might be able to make concrete the words of Pope Francis’s 2019 World Day of Peace Message: “Good Politics is at the Service of Peace.”
Listen now.

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