Second Sunday of Lent – We’re not of this world.
Today’s second reading: Philippians 3:20-41
Brothers and sisters:
Our citizenship is in heaven,
and from it we also await a savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
He will change our lowly body
to conform with his glorified body
by the power that enables him also
to bring all things into subjection to himself.
Our citizenship may be in heaven, but it is on Earth where we hang out every day. Heaven may be our goal, but Earth is the rocky path we’re on.
Jesus contributes to our “ambiguous” state. He told us as he was leaving, that we were staying. He dropped a nice phrase for us to deal with: “You’re in the world, but not of the world.”
I guess that’s another way of saying to us that as earth-grounded disciples our ultimate citizenship is in heaven. Maybe this ambiguity, complexity, and tension is part of what Lent should be about for us.
How do we take the time these 40 days to pay more attention to God, our neighbors and ourselves by praying; sacrificing and caring for one another to better understand and navigate earth chaotic road to heaven’s peaceful home?
The “how” will be somewhat different for each of us – but it needs to include the vision of heaven and the reality of earth. And to add wonderfully to the ambiguity, Jesus told us he was leaving, but would be with us always. That’s worth a reflection or two!!!
Let’s reflect on that this week. How do you see that Jesus is with you? Write down the little things you notice that remind you that Jesus is with you.