Engaging Communities During Super Bowl Weekend and a Look at Groundhog Day
On this week’s episode of Just Love, Monsignor Kevin Sullivan talks about how, during this Super Bowl weekend, churches and community groups can use enthusiasm around “The Big Game” to help educate and raise funds to combat hunger in their local communities; and a look at how, for many people, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic has made it feel like “Groundhog Day” year-round.
Alison Reese is the Executive Director of Souper Bowl of Caring, a Dallas-based youth-inspired movement utilizing the enthusiasm generated by the Superbowl to work across the nation to tackle hunger in local communities. On Superbowl weekend, Alison shares how the Souper Bowl of Caring assists local churches, schools and civic groups utilize “The Big Game” to raise money and food donations directly for the local charities of their choice. Through a partnership with Dell Computers – The Souper Bowl of Caring has gone virtual this year, enabling churches and civic groups to find and support their neighborhood food charity through their Tackle Hunger Map.
Dr. Raquel Bild-Libbin, Ph.D. is a Licensed Psychologist, lecturer, and expert witness practicing in Miami, Florida for over 30 years. During this week that we commemorated “Groundhog Day”, Dr. Bild-Libbin shares how, for many people, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic has made it feel like “Groundhog Day” year-round, and how we can cope constructively with the feelings and anxieties this has caused.
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