
  • Commentary,  Welcoming and Integrating Immigrants and Refugees

    Conversation Starters For a President Abroad

    Embed from Getty Images   President Trump’s first foreign trip at the end of May was announced just after he signed the Religious freedom executive order. Ironically, three places he will visit – Saudi Arabia, Israel and Rome – are major hubs for the three great religions: Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Saudi Arabia, according to official statistics, is close to 100% Muslim, predominantly Sunni.  Israel was established as a Jewish state this week in 1948.  Rome has been a center of Christianity since Peter and Paul journeyed there in the first century and, subsequently, the Bishop of Rome was designated the Pope.  As Citizen Sullivan, I suggest one topic for…

  • Commentary,  Protecting & Nurturing Children & Youth,  Strengthening Families and Resolving Crises,  Welcoming and Integrating Immigrants and Refugees

    Diversity Reigns

    Catholic Charities is a the center of building a more just and compassionate society. We engage in a wide range of activities and interact with many different people. Here’s a collage for this week – Twelve consul generals from Latin American countries meet at the Catholic Charities Community Services Immigration and Refugee Resettlement offices. (Top Left)  Evi Siskos from Telemundo was the MC for Astors Services Junior Gala at the Supreme Courthouse in lower Manhattan. (Top Right)  Zoe Saldana was taping her guest satellite radio appearance in the same Sirius studios that JustLove was taping.  Here’s a picture of her as she was leaving. (Bottom Left) Two talented Catholic Charities immigration attorneys from our expert legal team. (Bottom Middle)  On…

  • Commentary

    A Small Detour During My Trip in Germany

      I am currently in Germany.  Why?  I am here to give a talk for a conference on the Catholic identity of Catholic Charities in Berlin. But there’s more.  This year is also the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation being marked in Wittenberg, a small town about an hour south of Berlin. This still medieval-like town, now called Lutherstadt Wittenberg is where Martin Luther posted his famous 95 theses on the door of Castle Church n 1517 that started the movement. So I decided to “eavesdrop” on the pilgrimages being made to Wittenberg for an overnight a couple of days prior to the Conference.  I love when a “non-plan”…

  • Commentary

    Jesus Forgives You & Loves You

    Tip of the Day: Think in your own head about something bad you’ve done and felt guilty about.  Realize that Jesus knows about it, forgives you and loves you. Verse of the Day:    Bible Readings for Monday of the Fifth Week of Lent  Reflection of the Day: The powerful trio of guilt, blame and responsibility all occupy the same emotion space in our psyche.  Well, maybe not exactly the same, but pretty close.  Sometimes they even impersonate one another and engage in identity theft.  So here’s how I like see them and separate them.  (Note: I’m not saying this is THE way to see them, just my way.)  Guilt…

  • Commentary

    Stop Worrying and Just Thank God

    Tip of the Day:  Listen to Hallelujah   Bible Readings for Monday of the Fourth Week of Lent Reflection of the Day: Periodically it’s worth taking time off from complaining about trials and tribulations, worrying about problems and asking for things we think we need. God gets tired and so do we.  Both God and we need a break.  Now mind you, complaining, worrying and asking are legit – and we better do them a lot, but not incessantly. Reflect on one or two good things that have happened to you recently – even if you are generally going through a bad time. Say a simple thank you God and…